The Photographer

You may wonder why I like taking pictures. Well it started at a very early age when I was very into art. I loved to draw all the time and take pictures all the time. Once digital cameras came out I started saving up my money and quickly started filling up memory cards. Any event I would go to, whether it was my friends house, a costume party for Halloween, out hunting with my extended family, camping trips, etc, I would be taking picture after picture.  I started trying out new techniques and researching on how to improve my photography which all of this has led me to where I am today. I love going on photo-walks with my fellow photographers and having fun. I wouldn’t be out doing what I do if I didn’t have fun and loved it. What started off as a hobby is turning into something more and I can’t wait to see where this ride is taking me in the future. I hope to see you on the other side of the camera!